Lain's Log

Desperately seeking the best!

March 11/11

Have spent long hours Googling, reading, researching, brainstorming, watching interviews with Dr. Marla Shapiro, checking the blogs of media people who have been through this, (like Cynthia Mulligan of CITY TV) and others, contacted my old pal, Beverly Thomson of CTV - (we worked together for years at Global), and she said she'd be happy to speak to me, and talking to people who are cancer survivors.

I've decided the surgeon I want to see, if it's possible, is Dr. David McCready, head of Oncology at Princess Margaret Hospital. He was Dr. Marla's surgeon and has a stunning reputation. I checked with another surgeon acquaintance of ours at Sunnybrook (who saved my Mum's life and gave us five more years with her). He kindly gave me some very helpful advise and also confirmed for me that Dr. McCready is a superb surgeon.

My GP has sent off a referral, but I fear, this man's reputation has him in high demand and wonder if I will be able to get an appointment or consult with him at all! If not, I have one or two others on my list, but in my opinion, "He's the man!" We'll see what happens.

Meanwhile, I continue to live in a high state of anxiety and try to break it up with reading, writing, watching funny TV shows and talking to funny people (and I know a LOT of them!)

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